Source code for kittycad.models.modeling_cmd

from typing import List, Literal, Optional, Union

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, RootModel
from typing_extensions import Annotated

from ..models.annotation_options import AnnotationOptions
from ..models.annotation_type import AnnotationType
from ..models.camera_drag_interaction_type import CameraDragInteractionType
from ..models.color import Color
from ..models.image_format import ImageFormat
from ..models.import_file import ImportFile
from ..models.input_format import InputFormat
from ..models.modeling_cmd_id import ModelingCmdId
from ..models.output_format import OutputFormat
from ..models.path_component_constraint_bound import PathComponentConstraintBound
from ..models.path_component_constraint_type import PathComponentConstraintType
from ..models.path_segment import PathSegment
from ..models.point2d import Point2d
from ..models.point3d import Point3d
from ..models.scene_selection_type import SceneSelectionType
from ..models.scene_tool_type import SceneToolType
from ..models.unit_area import UnitArea
from ..models.unit_density import UnitDensity
from ..models.unit_length import UnitLength
from ..models.unit_mass import UnitMass
from ..models.unit_volume import UnitVolume

[docs]class start_path(BaseModel): """Start a path.""" type: Literal["start_path"] = "start_path"
[docs]class move_path_pen(BaseModel): """Move the path's "pen".""" path: ModelingCmdId to: Point3d type: Literal["move_path_pen"] = "move_path_pen"
[docs]class extend_path(BaseModel): """Extend a path by adding a new segment which starts at the path's "pen". If no "pen" location has been set before (via `MovePen`), then the pen is at the origin.""" path: ModelingCmdId segment: PathSegment type: Literal["extend_path"] = "extend_path"
[docs]class extrude(BaseModel): """Extrude a 2D solid.""" cap: bool distance: float target: ModelingCmdId type: Literal["extrude"] = "extrude"
[docs]class close_path(BaseModel): """Closes a path, converting it to a 2D solid.""" path_id: str type: Literal["close_path"] = "close_path"
[docs]class camera_drag_start(BaseModel): """Camera drag started.""" interaction: CameraDragInteractionType type: Literal["camera_drag_start"] = "camera_drag_start" window: Point2d
[docs]class camera_drag_move(BaseModel): """Camera drag continued.""" interaction: CameraDragInteractionType sequence: Optional[int] = None type: Literal["camera_drag_move"] = "camera_drag_move" window: Point2d
[docs]class camera_drag_end(BaseModel): """Camera drag ended.""" interaction: CameraDragInteractionType type: Literal["camera_drag_end"] = "camera_drag_end" window: Point2d
[docs]class default_camera_look_at(BaseModel): """Change what the default camera is looking at.""" center: Point3d type: Literal["default_camera_look_at"] = "default_camera_look_at" up: Point3d vantage: Point3d
[docs]class default_camera_zoom(BaseModel): """Adjust zoom of the default camera.""" magnitude: float type: Literal["default_camera_zoom"] = "default_camera_zoom"
[docs]class default_camera_enable_sketch_mode(BaseModel): """Enable sketch mode, where users can sketch 2D geometry. Users choose a plane to sketch on.""" animated: bool distance_to_plane: float origin: Point3d ortho: bool type: Literal[ "default_camera_enable_sketch_mode" ] = "default_camera_enable_sketch_mode" x_axis: Point3d y_axis: Point3d
[docs]class default_camera_disable_sketch_mode(BaseModel): """Disable sketch mode, from the default camera.""" type: Literal[ "default_camera_disable_sketch_mode" ] = "default_camera_disable_sketch_mode"
[docs]class default_camera_focus_on(BaseModel): """Focus default camera on object.""" type: Literal["default_camera_focus_on"] = "default_camera_focus_on" uuid: str
[docs]class export(BaseModel): """Export the scene to a file.""" entity_ids: List[str] format: OutputFormat source_unit: UnitLength type: Literal["export"] = "export"
[docs]class entity_get_parent_id(BaseModel): """What is this entity's parent?""" entity_id: str type: Literal["entity_get_parent_id"] = "entity_get_parent_id"
[docs]class entity_get_num_children(BaseModel): """How many children does the entity have?""" entity_id: str type: Literal["entity_get_num_children"] = "entity_get_num_children"
[docs]class entity_get_child_uuid(BaseModel): """What is the UUID of this entity's n-th child?""" child_index: int entity_id: str type: Literal["entity_get_child_uuid"] = "entity_get_child_uuid"
[docs]class entity_get_all_child_uuids(BaseModel): """What are all UUIDs of this entity's children?""" entity_id: str type: Literal["entity_get_all_child_uuids"] = "entity_get_all_child_uuids"
[docs]class edit_mode_enter(BaseModel): """Enter edit mode""" target: str type: Literal["edit_mode_enter"] = "edit_mode_enter"
[docs]class edit_mode_exit(BaseModel): """Exit edit mode""" type: Literal["edit_mode_exit"] = "edit_mode_exit"
[docs]class select_with_point(BaseModel): """Modifies the selection by simulating a "mouse click" at the given x,y window coordinate Returns ID of whatever was selected.""" selected_at_window: Point2d selection_type: SceneSelectionType type: Literal["select_with_point"] = "select_with_point"
[docs]class select_clear(BaseModel): """Clear the selection""" type: Literal["select_clear"] = "select_clear"
[docs]class select_add(BaseModel): """Adds one or more entities (by UUID) to the selection.""" entities: List[str] type: Literal["select_add"] = "select_add"
[docs]class select_remove(BaseModel): """Removes one or more entities (by UUID) from the selection.""" entities: List[str] type: Literal["select_remove"] = "select_remove"
[docs]class select_replace(BaseModel): """Replaces the current selection with these new entities (by UUID). Equivalent to doing SelectClear then SelectAdd.""" entities: List[str] type: Literal["select_replace"] = "select_replace"
[docs]class select_get(BaseModel): """Find all IDs of selected entities""" type: Literal["select_get"] = "select_get"
[docs]class highlight_set_entity(BaseModel): """Changes the current highlighted entity to whichever one is at the given window coordinate. If there's no entity at this location, clears the highlight.""" selected_at_window: Point2d sequence: Optional[int] = None type: Literal["highlight_set_entity"] = "highlight_set_entity"
[docs]class highlight_set_entities(BaseModel): """Changes the current highlighted entity to these entities.""" entities: List[str] type: Literal["highlight_set_entities"] = "highlight_set_entities"
[docs]class new_annotation(BaseModel): """Create a new annotation""" annotation_type: AnnotationType clobber: bool options: AnnotationOptions type: Literal["new_annotation"] = "new_annotation"
[docs]class update_annotation(BaseModel): """Update an annotation""" annotation_id: str options: AnnotationOptions type: Literal["update_annotation"] = "update_annotation"
[docs]class object_visible(BaseModel): """Hide or show an object""" hidden: bool object_id: str type: Literal["object_visible"] = "object_visible"
[docs]class object_bring_to_front(BaseModel): """Bring an object to the front of the scene""" object_id: str type: Literal["object_bring_to_front"] = "object_bring_to_front"
[docs]class get_entity_type(BaseModel): """What type of entity is this?""" entity_id: str type: Literal["get_entity_type"] = "get_entity_type"
[docs]class solid2d_add_hole(BaseModel): """Add a hole to a Solid2d object before extruding it.""" hole_id: str object_id: str type: Literal["solid2d_add_hole"] = "solid2d_add_hole"
[docs]class solid3d_get_all_edge_faces(BaseModel): """Gets all faces which use the given edge.""" edge_id: str object_id: str type: Literal["solid3d_get_all_edge_faces"] = "solid3d_get_all_edge_faces"
[docs]class solid3d_get_all_opposite_edges(BaseModel): """Gets all edges which are opposite the given edge, across all possible faces.""" along_vector: Optional[Point3d] = None edge_id: str object_id: str type: Literal["solid3d_get_all_opposite_edges"] = "solid3d_get_all_opposite_edges"
[docs]class solid3d_get_opposite_edge(BaseModel): """Gets the edge opposite the given edge, along the given face.""" edge_id: str face_id: str object_id: str type: Literal["solid3d_get_opposite_edge"] = "solid3d_get_opposite_edge"
[docs]class solid3d_get_next_adjacent_edge(BaseModel): """Gets the next adjacent edge for the given edge, along the given face.""" edge_id: str face_id: str object_id: str type: Literal["solid3d_get_next_adjacent_edge"] = "solid3d_get_next_adjacent_edge"
[docs]class solid3d_get_prev_adjacent_edge(BaseModel): """Gets the previous adjacent edge for the given edge, along the given face.""" edge_id: str face_id: str object_id: str type: Literal["solid3d_get_prev_adjacent_edge"] = "solid3d_get_prev_adjacent_edge"
[docs]class send_object(BaseModel): """Sends object to front or back.""" front: bool object_id: str type: Literal["send_object"] = "send_object"
[docs]class entity_set_opacity(BaseModel): """Set opacity of the entity.""" entity_id: str opacity: float type: Literal["entity_set_opacity"] = "entity_set_opacity"
[docs]class entity_fade(BaseModel): """Fade the entity in or out.""" duration_seconds: Optional[float] = None entity_id: str fade_in: bool type: Literal["entity_fade"] = "entity_fade"
[docs]class make_plane(BaseModel): """Make a plane.""" clobber: bool hide: Optional[bool] = None origin: Point3d size: float type: Literal["make_plane"] = "make_plane" x_axis: Point3d y_axis: Point3d
[docs]class plane_set_color(BaseModel): """Set the plane's color.""" color: Color plane_id: str type: Literal["plane_set_color"] = "plane_set_color"
[docs]class set_tool(BaseModel): """Set the active tool.""" tool: SceneToolType type: Literal["set_tool"] = "set_tool"
[docs]class mouse_move(BaseModel): """Send a mouse move event.""" sequence: Optional[int] = None type: Literal["mouse_move"] = "mouse_move" window: Point2d
[docs]class mouse_click(BaseModel): """Send a mouse click event. Updates modified/selected entities.""" type: Literal["mouse_click"] = "mouse_click" window: Point2d
[docs]class sketch_mode_enable(BaseModel): """Enable sketch mode on the given plane.""" animated: bool disable_camera_with_plane: Optional[Point3d] = None ortho: bool plane_id: str type: Literal["sketch_mode_enable"] = "sketch_mode_enable"
[docs]class sketch_mode_disable(BaseModel): """Disable sketch mode.""" type: Literal["sketch_mode_disable"] = "sketch_mode_disable"
[docs]class curve_get_type(BaseModel): """Get type of a given curve.""" curve_id: str type: Literal["curve_get_type"] = "curve_get_type"
[docs]class curve_get_control_points(BaseModel): """Get control points of a given curve.""" curve_id: str type: Literal["curve_get_control_points"] = "curve_get_control_points"
[docs]class take_snapshot(BaseModel): """Take a snapshot.""" format: ImageFormat type: Literal["take_snapshot"] = "take_snapshot"
[docs]class make_axes_gizmo(BaseModel): """Add a gizmo showing the axes.""" clobber: bool gizmo_mode: bool type: Literal["make_axes_gizmo"] = "make_axes_gizmo"
[docs]class path_get_info(BaseModel): """Query the given path""" path_id: str type: Literal["path_get_info"] = "path_get_info"
[docs]class path_get_curve_uuids_for_vertices(BaseModel): """Get curves for vertices within a path""" path_id: str type: Literal[ "path_get_curve_uuids_for_vertices" ] = "path_get_curve_uuids_for_vertices" vertex_ids: List[str]
[docs]class path_get_vertex_uuids(BaseModel): """Get vertices within a path""" path_id: str type: Literal["path_get_vertex_uuids"] = "path_get_vertex_uuids"
[docs]class handle_mouse_drag_start(BaseModel): """Start dragging mouse.""" type: Literal["handle_mouse_drag_start"] = "handle_mouse_drag_start" window: Point2d
[docs]class handle_mouse_drag_move(BaseModel): """Continue dragging mouse.""" sequence: Optional[int] = None type: Literal["handle_mouse_drag_move"] = "handle_mouse_drag_move" window: Point2d
[docs]class handle_mouse_drag_end(BaseModel): """Stop dragging mouse.""" type: Literal["handle_mouse_drag_end"] = "handle_mouse_drag_end" window: Point2d
[docs]class remove_scene_objects(BaseModel): """Remove scene objects.""" object_ids: List[str] type: Literal["remove_scene_objects"] = "remove_scene_objects"
[docs]class plane_intersect_and_project(BaseModel): """Utility method. Performs both a ray cast and projection to plane-local coordinates. Returns the plane coordinates for the given window coordinates.""" plane_id: str type: Literal["plane_intersect_and_project"] = "plane_intersect_and_project" window: Point2d
[docs]class curve_get_end_points(BaseModel): """Find the start and end of a curve.""" curve_id: str type: Literal["curve_get_end_points"] = "curve_get_end_points"
[docs]class reconfigure_stream(BaseModel): """Reconfigure the stream.""" fps: int height: int type: Literal["reconfigure_stream"] = "reconfigure_stream" width: int
[docs]class import_files(BaseModel): """Import files to the current model.""" files: List[ImportFile] format: InputFormat type: Literal["import_files"] = "import_files"
[docs]class mass(BaseModel): """Get the mass of entities in the scene or the default scene.""" entity_ids: List[str] material_density: float material_density_unit: UnitDensity output_unit: UnitMass source_unit: UnitLength type: Literal["mass"] = "mass"
[docs]class density(BaseModel): """Get the density of entities in the scene or the default scene.""" entity_ids: List[str] material_mass: float material_mass_unit: UnitMass output_unit: UnitDensity source_unit: UnitLength type: Literal["density"] = "density"
[docs]class volume(BaseModel): """Get the volume of entities in the scene or the default scene.""" entity_ids: List[str] output_unit: UnitVolume source_unit: UnitLength type: Literal["volume"] = "volume"
[docs]class center_of_mass(BaseModel): """Get the center of mass of entities in the scene or the default scene.""" entity_ids: List[str] output_unit: UnitLength source_unit: UnitLength type: Literal["center_of_mass"] = "center_of_mass"
[docs]class surface_area(BaseModel): """Get the surface area of entities in the scene or the default scene.""" entity_ids: List[str] output_unit: UnitArea source_unit: UnitLength type: Literal["surface_area"] = "surface_area"
[docs]class get_sketch_mode_plane(BaseModel): """Get the plane of the sketch mode. This is useful for getting the normal of the plane after a user selects a plane.""" type: Literal["get_sketch_mode_plane"] = "get_sketch_mode_plane"
[docs]class curve_set_constraint(BaseModel): """Constrain a curve.""" constraint_bound: PathComponentConstraintBound constraint_type: PathComponentConstraintType object_id: str type: Literal["curve_set_constraint"] = "curve_set_constraint"
ModelingCmd = RootModel[ Annotated[ Union[ start_path, move_path_pen, extend_path, extrude, close_path, camera_drag_start, camera_drag_move, camera_drag_end, default_camera_look_at, default_camera_zoom, default_camera_enable_sketch_mode, default_camera_disable_sketch_mode, default_camera_focus_on, export, entity_get_parent_id, entity_get_num_children, entity_get_child_uuid, entity_get_all_child_uuids, edit_mode_enter, edit_mode_exit, select_with_point, select_clear, select_add, select_remove, select_replace, select_get, highlight_set_entity, highlight_set_entities, new_annotation, update_annotation, object_visible, object_bring_to_front, get_entity_type, solid2d_add_hole, solid3d_get_all_edge_faces, solid3d_get_all_opposite_edges, solid3d_get_opposite_edge, solid3d_get_next_adjacent_edge, solid3d_get_prev_adjacent_edge, send_object, entity_set_opacity, entity_fade, make_plane, plane_set_color, set_tool, mouse_move, mouse_click, sketch_mode_enable, sketch_mode_disable, curve_get_type, curve_get_control_points, take_snapshot, make_axes_gizmo, path_get_info, path_get_curve_uuids_for_vertices, path_get_vertex_uuids, handle_mouse_drag_start, handle_mouse_drag_move, handle_mouse_drag_end, remove_scene_objects, plane_intersect_and_project, curve_get_end_points, reconfigure_stream, import_files, mass, density, volume, center_of_mass, surface_area, get_sketch_mode_plane, curve_set_constraint, ], Field(discriminator="type"), ] ]